Glimmer Puff and the Mystery of the Missing Sun


A story about Where does rain come from?
for your Preschooler.

Glimmer Puff woke up under the tall, whispering trees. She stretched her sparkly arms. The forest was dark and still.

“Where is our bright sun?” asked Glimmer Puff. Wigglebug wiggled beside her. She said, “Let’s find the sun!”

They passed a wide, shimmering puddle. The water was quiet and cold. The forest felt sleepy without sunshine.

Glimmer Puff floated higher. She whispered, “Sun, where are you?” But only silence answered. She felt worried.

Wigglebug patted Glimmer Puff’s arm. “Do not worry. We will keep looking,” he said in a gentle, squeaky voice.

They remembered how clouds can hold water. When clouds are very full, the water can fall as rain! That is how trees and flowers get a drink.

Suddenly, they saw a little cloud hiding behind a branch. Glimmer Puff said softly, “Hello, Cloud. Are you hiding our sun?”

Wigglebug spoke next. “We need the sun to help the birds find food. Can you please let the sun shine?”