Frostyline Fable and the Big Sister Surprise


A story about Getting a New Sister
for your Preschooler.

Frostyline Fable the snowman stands in the bright snow. He smiles and waves. “Hello, snowy day!” he says.

Icicles sparkle above. A gentle wind hums around Frostyline Fable. He listens happily.

But something new is coming! “I am getting a baby sister,” says Frostyline Fable. His eyes grow wide.

Frostyline Fable feels a little worried. “Will she like me?” he says. “How can I be the best big brother?”

The snow bunny friend hops over. “I can help!” the bunny says. “Try sharing a warm hug. That is kind!”

A strong wind whooshes by. Frostyline Fable and the bunny friend hold hands to keep steady. “We can do this!” they cheer.

Frostyline Fable and the bunny friend climb over a tall snowdrift. Frostyline says, “We will not give up!” He feels a spark of hope.

Suddenly, the path is icy and slippery. The bunny friend slips and slides! Frostyline giggles. They hold onto each other.