Flicker Sparkleaf and the Starry Giants


A story about Space
for your Kindergartener.

Flicker Sparkleaf was a tiny elf with bright eyes. She lived among glowing stars in a place called Constellation Grove. She woke up feeling extra playful.

Buzzywhirl was Flicker’s best friend and a giant insect. He loved to tinker with shiny gadgets. “Let’s have an adventure!” said Flicker.

They both gazed at a swirling rainbow nebula in the distance. They wanted to fly there and see the colorful lights sparkle up close.

Flicker and Buzzywhirl hopped onto a tiny comet. Whoosh! They zoomed through streams of stardust that tickled their noses.

Soon, they reached the giant stars near the nebula. One star glowed red, another glowed blue, and each was huge.

“We need to find our way past these stars to reach that special sun,” said Flicker. Buzzywhirl nodded, ready to help. He began tinkering with a light-reflecting gadget to guide them.

Flicker closed her eyes and listened to the star-song. “If you follow the warmth, you will see the special sun,” whispered the stars.

They inched closer, but the big stars were dazzling. Buzzywhirl turned the gadget gently, reflecting soft light. “This shows us a safe path!” he cheered.