Flicker and Ember's Magic Please




Flicker and Ember's Magic Please

A story about Respect

for your Baby.

Flicker Sparkleaf stands among glimmering petals. In the background, tall, twisting trees.

Flicker Sparkleaf wakes in the bright forest. She sees flowers that glow.

Ember Flare peeks out with wide, curious eyes. In the background, a shimmering stream.

Ember Flare peeks behind a shiny tree. Ember loves new things!

A glimmering pebble by the bubbling water. In the background, bright flowers.

A small pebble rests near the clear water. The pebble squeaks, “Hello!”

Flicker Sparkleaf leans close to the glowing pebble. In the background, tall mushrooms.

Flicker Sparkleaf hears the pebble’s tiny voice. She softly says, “Please say that again.”

Ember Flare hovers with a light touch on the pebble. In the background, swirling white clouds.

Ember Flare flutters over to look. Ember taps the pebble gently.

The pebble shining with tiny magical sparkles. In the background, bright leaves.

The pebble glows warmly. A sweet voice says, “Wish, if you please.”

Flicker Sparkleaf smiles, gazing around hopefully. In the background, swaying vines.

Flicker Sparkleaf thinks carefully. She wants the forest to shine brighter.

Ember Flare stands calmly with folded wings. In the background, a soft breeze.

Ember Flare waits politely for a turn. Patience feels kind.

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