Ember's Fluffy Cloud Challenge




Ember's Fluffy Cloud Challenge

A story about Love

for your Preschooler.

Zippy Zapata with a tall wizard hat, smiling at the clouds In the background, a sparkling rainbow river flows

Zippy Zapata skipped on a fluffy cloud. The bright rainbow river shone below. He felt happy and light.

Ember Flare, a small dragon, flapping bright wings In the background, puffy clouds swirl

Ember Flare swooped by. Ember flapped big wings. Ember giggled with joy.

A soft puzzle piece floating by, shaped like a fluffy cloud In the background, pale sunlight stretches

A strange puzzle piece drifted by! It looked soft, like a little cloud. It floated slowly in the sky.

Zippy Zapata holding a soft puzzle piece In the background, more puzzle pieces drift

Zippy picked up the puzzle piece. He wondered what it could be. Zippy felt a gentle, loving glow.

Ember Flare clutching a puzzle piece gently In the background, a wide rainbow arcs

Ember saw another piece float along. Ember grabbed it in big, careful claws. A warm feeling spread in Ember’s heart.

Zippy Zapata gazing into the distance In the background, bright sunlight sparkles

They needed more pieces for the puzzle. Zippy and Ember looked all around. Their hearts felt full of wonder and love.

A glowing puzzle piece shaped like a hug In the background, light clouds twist

Another piece appeared, glowing bright. This puzzle piece felt like a hug. A gentle hug can show love to friends!

Zippy Zapata hugging the puzzle piece close In the background, gentle mist swirls

Zippy held the new piece. He hugged it close. He whispered, “Love helps us feel safe.”

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