Ember Flare's Flap and Dash Derby




Ember Flare's Flap and Dash Derby

A story about Sports

for your 4th Grader.

Bolda stands on a raised cloud with a determined grin. In the background, the floating islands stretch into the distance

High above the Silver Sea, the floating islands shimmered in the sunlight, and Bolda the Bright could hardly contain her excitement. She leaned over a fluffy cloud’s edge, eager for the grand Flap and Dash Derby to begin.

Ember Flare lowers his wings for practice. In the background, puffy clouds drift lazily by

Nearby, Ember Flare tested his wings, swishing his feathered tail with anticipation. He practiced gentle wing flaps to warm up, feeling the cool breeze ruffle his golden scales.

Brightly colored flags swirl in the breeze. In the background, a patch of sky gleams with sunlight

Flags in every color fluttered at the starting line, marking each team’s spot. Their dazzling fabrics sparkled whenever the sun peeked through the swirling mist.

Ember Flare twists his neck to observe competitors. In the background, swirling clouds form a soft ring

Ember Flare hummed with curiosity as the other racers began stretching. He twirled around to see how they prepared, hoping to pick up useful tips for the big event.

Bolda tightens a metal helmet shaped like wings. In the background, a floating podium hovers near a tall cloud

Bolda adjusted her wing-shaped helmet, smiling as she double-checked the safety straps. She whispered a quick reminder to keep calm if anything unexpected happened, since staying focused was just as important as going fast.

Ember Flare hovers at the edge of the starting line. In the background, drifting fog meets tall cloud pillars

Ember Flare kicked off the cloud and fluttered toward the starting line. He took a moment to look behind and make sure his partner—though out of sight—was ready to encourage him at any moment.

A gleaming horn with swirling designs glows softly

A shining horn signaled the beginning of the race, echoing across the sky. The brilliant instrument, crafted from a shimmering shell, reflected the pastel clouds each time it sounded.

Bolda raises a hand in encouragement. In the background, layered clouds form rolling hills

Bolda released a joyful whoop when the horn blared, guiding her partner from below. She reminded him not to worry about winning first place, but to concentrate on their teamwork instead.

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