Dancing with Raindrops




Dancing with Raindrops

A story about Where does rain come from?

for your Baby.

Show Flicker Sparkleaf skipping on a soft, grassy path. In the background, tall yellow flowers.

It is a bright day in the meadow. Flicker Sparkleaf looks at the big, round sun.

Show Brutus rolling on the ground with a big grin. In the background, little red blossoms.

Brutus the purple warthog giggles at a tiny bug. He loves silly fun!

Show a bright pink flower with wide petals. In the background, green leaves dancing.

The flowers nod in the gentle breeze. They seem to say hello in the warm sunshine.

Show Flicker Sparkleaf catching raindrops in her palms. In the background, the sparkling pond.

Suddenly, tiny drops fall from the sky. Flicker Sparkleaf holds out her hands to feel them.

Show Brutus sniffing at the falling raindrops. In the background, tall reeds swaying by the water.

Brutus sees the raindrops too. He wiggles his nose and laughs, "Ooh, that tickles!"

Show Mr. Raindrop smiling on the tip of a leaf. In the background, soft ripples in shallow water.

“Hello, friends! I am Mr. Raindrop,” says a little drop. It waves from a green leaf.

Show a single raindrop spinning high above the ground. In the background, a gentle breeze swirling.

Drip, drop, drip, drop! The water seems to twirl and dance in the air.

Show Flicker Sparkleaf swirling around with delight. In the background, a light drizzle of raindrops.

Flicker Sparkleaf twirls with the raindrops. She says, “I can dance with the rain or snuggle under cover!”

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