Cody's Cosmic Campout




Cody's Cosmic Campout

A story about Anxiety

for your 1st Grader.

Cactus Cody warms his hands near the flames In the background, the desert sand glows in the firelight

Cactus Cody sat by the cozy fire. He looked at the tall cacti all around. The desert air was cool on his cheeks.

Zibloo points a tiny antenna upward In the background, the night sky is dotted with twinkling stars

Zibloo fiddled with a funny gadget. The alien’s round eyes shone with wonder as the stars sparkled above.

A warm fire glows with dancing flames In the background, a few stones circle the flame

The fire crackled softly, sending orange sparks into the sky. It was bright and warm against the dark night.

Cactus Cody presses a hand to his chest quietly In the background, shadows from tall cacti stretch across the sand

Cactus Cody frowned. He felt a tightness in his chest. “The night is so quiet,” he whispered. “I feel a little worried.”

Zibloo holds out a comforting hand In the background, faint stars form shapes in the sky

Zibloo noticed Cody’s worry. “I feel anxious sometimes too,” said Zibloo. “It is okay to be nervous.”

A tall cactus with sharp spines in the moonlight In the background, soft sand stretches far

A tall cactus stood nearby, its spines shining in the moonlight. The desert felt both strange and special.

Cactus Cody taps his hat with a thoughtful expression In the background, small pebbles scatter on the ground

Cactus Cody remembered how he once got butterflies in his stomach before roping a horse. He realized nervousness can happen anytime.

Zibloo demonstrates a gentle inhale In the background, the starry sky glimmers

Zibloo said, “When I worry, I take small, slow breaths. In...and out. Let’s try together!”

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