Cody and Blossom Find the Lost Lamb




Cody and Blossom Find the Lost Lamb

A story about Favorite Animals

for your Baby.

Cactus Cody holds his reins and smiles up at the sun. In the background, tall grass waves gently.

Cactus Cody rides his horse. Clip-clop, clip-clop!

Blossom Sprout stands near bright flowers with a joyful pose. In the background, a soft breeze makes leaves dance.

Blossom Sprout waves big green leaves. Hello, meadow!

A tiny white tuft of wool

Look! A fluffy tuft of wool on the ground.

Cactus Cody kneels to study little footprints. In the background, tall flowers sway gently.

Cactus Cody points. Footprints lead this way.

Blossom Sprout pats the ground, smiling softly. In the background, a gentle stream trickles.

Blossom Sprout leans down. She plants a small seed of hope.

A tiny hoof print is pressed into muddy earth. In the background, rolling hills glow with sunlight.

They see a small hoof mark in the soft dirt.

Cactus Cody listens carefully, looking calm. In the background, green grass waves slowly.

Cactus Cody cups his hand to his ear. Do you hear Mimi?

Blossom Sprout reaches out with gentle leaves. In the background, big pink petals sway.

Blossom Sprout spots Mimi behind tall flowers. Mimi looks scared.

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