Calamity Kate's Cozy Nap-Time Lesson




Calamity Kate's Cozy Nap-Time Lesson

A story about Nap Time

for your Kindergartener.

Calamity Kate leans against a straw bale, her hat tipped slightly forward. In the background, large barn doors stand open to the sunny sky.

Calamity Kate rests against a big hay bale in the barn. The sun shines brightly, and a warm breeze tickles her cheek. She smiles, feeling peaceful and happy this morning.

Rusty stands near Calamity Kate, looking at her with curious eyes. In the background, gentle gusts of wind stir the golden hay bales.

She hears a soft nicker behind her and turns to see her horse, Rusty. They have been trotting around the fields all day. Now Kate can hardly keep her eyes open!

A tall, tidy pile of hay with a few loose strands falling to the ground. In the background, wispy clouds float over the barn roof.

A neat stack of hay stands tall, ready for any sleepy heads who need a soft spot to rest. The straw looks cozy enough for a peaceful break.

Calamity Kate stands with her arms out, facing Rusty, who gently shakes his mane. In the background, sunlight filters through gaps in the barn walls.

Calamity Kate yawns and waves to Rusty. “Let’s take a break, Rusty,” she says. But her horse tosses his head. He does not want to stop playing yet.

Rusty prances around energetically, his hooves kicking up small bits of straw. In the background, wooden beams reach high over the barn interior.

Rusty prances in circles, stamping his hooves on the barn floor. He feels too excited to settle down for a nap.

Calamity Kate speaks softly to Rusty, one hand touching his mane. In the background, gentle rays of sunshine spill across the barn floor.

Calamity Kate rubs her eyes. She knows a rest will help them both. She whispers, “It’s okay to rest when you feel tired. A little nap gives us energy.”

A polished, brown saddle with a coiled rope hanging nearby. In the background, sunbeams highlight dust motes floating in the air.

A shiny horse saddle rests on a wooden rack, waiting patiently for the next big adventure. It gleams under the soft light.

Calamity Kate sits on a hay bale while gently patting Rusty’s neck. In the background, the barn door reveals rolling green fields.

Calamity Kate pats Rusty’s neck. “Trust me, buddy,” she says. “Sometimes we all need to slow down. Let’s sit together.”

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