Calamity Kate and the Whirlwind of Feelings




Calamity Kate and the Whirlwind of Feelings

A story about Big feelings

for your 2nd Grader.

Calamity Kate sitting happily on Thunder outside a wooden stable, smiling at the morning sun. In the background, tall cacti stretch across rolling hills

Calamity Kate lived in a tiny cowboy town under a sunny, blue sky. She loved the dusty, golden fields and felt free when she rode her horse, Thunder. Every morning, she galloped past towering cacti, her heart pumping with excitement and joy.

Calamity Kate talking with her parents beside the empty corral, concern on her face. In the background, the corral fence stands in the dusty field

One bright day, Calamity Kate woke up to find Thunder gone. Her eyes filled with worry, and she hurried to find her parents. They stood next to the old corral, looking just as surprised.

Calamity Kate standing close to her mother, her father listening nearby with a concerned expression. In the background, the wooden barn stands with sliding doors open

"Ma, Pa, where could Thunder be?" asked Calamity Kate, her voice shaking a little. She felt a tight knot in her tummy, like a lasso spinning inside her. Her mother placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and said, "Feelings can be strong. Let’s take a deep breath and think together."

A lonely horseshoe resting on the soft dirt, its metal edges scuffed from use. In the background, gentle tumbleweeds roll across the barren field

Calamity Kate traced a horseshoe on the ground, remembering how Thunder loved to trot around with it. She frowned, wishing the wind would bring Thunder back. She knew she had to search far beyond the dusty corral.

Calamity Kate riding with her parents on horses, scanning the dusty trail ahead. In the background, distant buttes tower under the bright sun

Her father reached for her hand and said, "We’ll help you, Kate, but you will lead the way." Determined, Calamity Kate put on her boots and tipped her hat. Together, they rode out of town, scanning every rock and patch of brush for Thunder’s hoofprints.

Calamity Kate pausing on the trail, her face showing worry, while her parents gesture reassuringly. In the background, dry shrubs dot the rocky ground

As they followed faint tracks, Calamity Kate felt her big feelings rise like a storm cloud in her chest. "I’m scared Thunder is hurt," she whispered. Her parents reminded her to take a slow breath and focus on one clue at a time.

Calamity Kate kneeling to inspect a broken wooden fence post under the hot sun. In the background, a tall mesa rises against the sky

Soon, they found a broken fence near a steep hillside. Calamity Kate gasped, thinking Thunder might have slipped away through it. She felt her heart pound, but she remembered to stay calm and keep looking.

A canteen shimmering in the sand, partially covered but still reflecting bright sunlight. In the background, wispy clouds float across the clear sky

A silver water canteen lay half-buried in the sand, glinting under the sun. The sight reminded Calamity Kate of all their long rides in the heat, always drinking water to stay strong. She hoped Thunder was safe and not too far away.

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