Cactus Cody and Zibloo's New Star Friend


A story about Getting a New Sister
for your Kindergartener.

Cactus Cody woke up on his ranch. The sun sparkled over the desert sand. He tipped his hat and said, “Howdy, new day!”

Suddenly, a light whizzed across the darkening sky. It glowed like a bright diamond. Something was landing near the ranch!

Cody ran to see where it landed. A small hatch opened with a hiss. Out popped Zibloo, an alien with shiny green skin!

“Howdy!” said Cody. “I’m Cactus Cody. Welcome to my ranch!” Zibloo beamed and said, “I came to explore Earth. Let’s see it together!”

Just as they were about to roam the desert, Cody’s mother called from the house. She announced, “We have a new baby!”

Cactus Cody felt excited and nervous at the same time. A new sister? He wondered if adventures would change forever.

“Your family is like stars in the sky,” said Zibloo. “There is always room for one more light to shine!” Cody felt a little better.

“When a new star appears,” Zibloo said, “we help it glow. You could bring a diaper or a soft blanket for your sister!”