Cactus Cody and the Heart of the Herd


A story about Valentine's Day
for your 4th Grader.

Valentine’s Day dawned bright in the town of Rusty Spur, where dusty roads stretched between wooden saloons and lively shops. Everyone was excited to exchange kind words and small gifts, but Cactus Cody was most eager to greet his favorite horse, Star.

Cactus Cody, known for his fearless spirit and love of horses, patted Star’s muzzle gently. He had planned to spend this special day riding through the mountains, feeling the cool breeze on his face as they explored together.

Suddenly, Star whinnied loudly and galloped away, leading a group of startled horses straight out of town. Hooves pounded against the ground, and a tall wooden water trough toppled over in the ruckus.

“Star, come back!” Cactus Cody shouted, heart racing. He dashed down the dirt road, determined to uncover why Star had panicked on a day meant for celebrating kindness and friendship.

Following Star’s trail, Cactus Cody noticed a half-eaten flower near the edge of the path. It was shaped like a little heart, and its sweet scent seemed to linger on the breeze. He picked it up, puzzled about what Star was running toward.

He pressed on, recalling a tip his father once taught him: when a horse is frightened, stay calm and speak gently. Keeping these wise words in mind, Cactus Cody tracked hoofprints deeper into the rocky trails.

Soon, a sudden roar filled the air as a fast-rising river blocked Cactus Cody’s path. Star’s tracks disappeared beyond the rushing waters, leaving him to puzzle over how to cross safely.

Nearby, the ground was muddy, and he noticed a sturdy leather saddle lying facedown in the muck. Using his wits, Cactus Cody crafted a simple raft from fallen branches, determined to reach Star and find out what was truly happening.