Buzzywhirl's Gentle Reminder


A story about Sadness
for your Kindergartener.

Flicker Sparkleaf woke up early in the secret meadow. She tiptoed between giant flowers, her pointy ears twitching with delight. The morning sun felt warm on her cheeks.

In the tiny workshop, Buzzywhirl stared at a half-finished gear. His clever hands wanted to tinker, but his heart felt heavy—he felt sad and did not know why.

Flicker peeked inside the workshop. “Want to take a walk?” she asked softly. “It might help to talk about how you feel.” Buzzywhirl nodded and set down his gear.

They stepped outside. Buzzywhirl let out a sigh. “I do feel sad,” he said. “But I can’t explain why.” Flicker patted his arm. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “Let’s see what the meadow can show us.”

The two friends wandered past a gleaming purple teacup left by a traveler long ago. It sparkled in the sun, reminding them that surprises can appear when you least expect them.

“Sometimes, I feel sad for no reason,” Flicker admitted. “I share my feelings with someone who loves me, and it helps. Do you want to keep talking?” she asked gently.

A tall, twisted seed pod leaned against a rock, casting a curious shadow. It rattled in the breeze, making a soft, comforting sound.

Suddenly, Flicker spotted a trapped butterfly tangled in a sticky cobweb. Buzzywhirl hurried over. His heart still felt sad, but he wanted to help at once.