Buzzywhirl and the New Hive


A story about Adoption
for your 1st Grader.

Inside a big, bustling hive, Buzzywhirl the giant insect hummed a happy tune. He loved to tinker with shiny gears and springs. He felt safe among the twisting tunnels and cozy nooks.

Early one morning, three new insects came through the hive entrance. They looked around with wide eyes, feeling nervous in their new home. Buzzywhirl stopped tinkering when he saw them.

“Hello,” said Buzzywhirl. “Welcome to our home. I am Buzzywhirl, and I can show you around!”

The first new insect shrugged. “I feel so different here,” it whispered. The second and third new insects nodded quietly.

Buzzywhirl understood they felt strange and out of place. He remembered how lonely it can feel in a new family. He wanted to help them feel at home right away.

“Families need time,” Buzzywhirl gently said. “It’s okay to have big feelings like worry or excitement.” The three new insects listened, unsure, but hopeful.

Buzzywhirl had an idea for a special gadget. He set out his wrenches and gears, ready to build. He hoped this invention would help the new insects feel more welcome.

But the tunnels in the hive were tight and bumpy, and some pieces got lost. “Oh no!” cried Buzzywhirl. “These parts keep rolling away!”