Bolda and Zibloo's Heart-Shaped Adventure


A story about Valentine's Day
for your Kindergartener.

In a snowy Viking village, Bolda the Bright wakes up. She stretches her arms and smiles at the frosty air. Today is a special day—Valentine’s Day! But here, it’s just a time to share love with friends and family.

The village glitters with colorful banners and sparkly ice sculptures. One sculpture is a giant heart, carved from frozen water. It reminds everyone to be kind and caring.

Suddenly, Bolda meets her friend Zibloo, a funny alien who loves stars. Zibloo waves all six fingers and giggles. Bolda says, “Friend, let’s look at the heart statue. It’s so big and bright!”

But oh no! The heart-shaped ice sculpture is gone. Bolda’s eyes grow wide. “We must find it! Let’s look around,” she says. She remembers a good tip: when something is lost, first think of where you saw it last.

They follow icy tracks leading away from the village. The tracks show a round shape, like a big rolling snowball, moving steadily through the snow.

Zibloo wiggles with excitement. “Let’s follow these tracks,” he says. “Maybe the heart is rolling toward the woods!” Bolda nods. Off they go, stepping carefully over crunchy snow.

Deeper in the woods, Bolda spots a huge, glittery object behind a pine tree. “There it is! The heart sculpture is right here!” she cries. It is lying on its side, stuck in the soft snow.

Zibloo laughs and tries to push the heart, but it barely moves. “We can do it together!” says Bolda. They both push with all their might, giggling as they slip and slide.