Bolda and Zibloo's Cosmic Clean-Up Quest


A story about Cleaning
for your 2nd Grader.

Bolda the Bright stood at the glowing wheel of her Viking ship. She felt a gentle sway beneath her boots and smiled at the sparkling cosmos ahead. Tonight, she hoped to discover shining star paths she had never seen before.

Zibloo wiggled his antennae and gazed at the swirls of stardust floating by. He hummed a happy tune, imagining all the new sights waiting just beyond the next cosmic cloud.

Bolda spotted bits of metal scraps drifting across the starry sky. She frowned, wondering why anyone would leave trash in such a beautiful place. She decided to keep an eye on the cluttered paths ahead.

A large, silver net stretched across the ship’s rail, ready to scoop up any space litter. It glimmered under the twinkling lights and looked strong enough to hold even the biggest bits of debris.

Zibloo poked at a broken piece of comet crystal floating past. He giggled at how it spun slowly in the air, and he realized they might need a better plan to tidy such delicate shards.

Bolda swept the ship’s deck with a cosmic broom. She liked keeping her space neat so that she could always find her tools and maps during important star hunts. She felt proud when each corner was clear and shining.

A small, twisted gear floated near the edge of the deck, spinning with a soft clink. Its rusted metal surface showed that it had been drifting for a long time.

Zibloo reached for his star pouch and pulled out a tiny scooper. He carefully collected the scattered comet dust, remembering that keeping messes under control made future journeys smoother.