Bolda and Nessie's Great Library Adventure


A story about Reading
for your Preschooler.

Bolda the Bright swings open the big wooden door. She steps into the cozy library by the sea. She smiles at the shining books and tall shelves.

Nessie Sparkles peeks in next. She shimmers in the light. She loves to swim, but she also loves to read.

A shiny, gold book catches the morning light. Its cover sparkles with tiny letters. A deep hush fills the air.

Bolda the Bright carefully opens the gold book. Her eyes grow wide. The pages show pictures of faraway lands.

Nessie Sparkles reads a tiny poem on the page. She gasps. The words begin to shine and float in the air.

Bolda the Bright finds a small scroll inside the book. She unrolls it with care. It says, 'Share each story, and see new worlds appear!'

A gentle breeze blows open another page. The page shows a snowy mountain, tall and bright. Little footprints dance across the snow.

Nessie Sparkles steps closer. She whispers, 'Let's explore!' Then, in a blink, the library fades into a snowy land!