Bolda and Ember's Dreamy Adventure




Bolda and Ember's Dreamy Adventure

A story about Nap Time

for your 1st Grader.

Bolda stands proudly in the meadow, her helmet gleaming in the sunlight. In the background, the sea sparkles under a clear sky.

Bolda the Bright was a brave girl Viking who loved to explore the soft green meadow by the sparkling sea. She wore a shiny helmet with flowers painted on it.

Ember Flare flaps his wings, looking for treasure along the sand. In the background, gentle waves roll onto the warm beach.

Ember Flare was her curious dragon friend who flew in big circles, trying to spot shiny shells along the shore. He liked to wiggle his tail when he was happy.

Several tall, wavy grass blades arch gracefully. In the background, the sun sets over the ocean.

Long blades of grass swayed in the salty breeze, and each blade whispered a soft hiss of welcome. Their tips brushed against each other like tiny paintbrushes.

Bolda stretches her arms wide, trying not to yawn. In the background, gentle waves sparkle in the afternoon light.

One afternoon, Bolda said, “Let’s take a nap after all this fun! I feel my eyes getting sleepy, but my heart still wants to explore!” She took a deep breath of sea air.

Ember Flare sits lightly, tail curled in front of him. In the background, driftwood pieces are scattered along the beach.

Ember Flare yawned loudly and said, “I am still excited, too! But I know rest helps us grow strong. Let’s try to calm down.” He curled his tail around his feet.

A single shimmering conch shell nestled in the sand. In the background, the sky glows soft pink and purple.

In the sand nearby lay a shiny conch shell, smooth as glass. It glimmered in the fading sunlight, ready to share its secret ocean song.

Bolda rests on a soft patch of grass, eyes gently closed. In the background, the sea sparkles under the dimming evening sky.

Bolda remembered the time her teacher said, “When you can’t rest, close your eyes and picture a calm place.” So Bolda thought of warm grass and twinkling stars.

Ember Flare slips into a peaceful rest with his head low. In the background, a light breeze ripples the water.

Ember Flare tried this too. He whispered, “I will imagine floating on a cloud over the quiet waves.” His wings drooped as he relaxed.

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