Bedtime with Sparkles and Chocolate Whispers




Bedtime with Sparkles and Chocolate Whispers

A story about Bedtime

for your 1st Grader.

Show King Doodle Bum peeking over a blanket, eyes wide with curiosity. In the background, soft pillows fill the corners.

King Doodle Bum poked his head out from under a fluffy blanket. He sniffed the air and wished for sweet chocolate instead of sleep.

Show the nightlight glowing brightly, shaped like a tiny castle. In the background, a silky curtain sways in the breeze.

The royal nightlight shimmered on a small table, casting gentle stars on the walls.

Show Blinky Sparx turning a puzzle cube while glowing softly. In the background, a plush rug rests near the bed.

Blinky Sparx sparkled in the corner, holding a puzzle cube with bright colors. “Good evening!” she whispered.

Show King Doodle Bum lying on the bed with a slight pout. In the background, tall curtains dance by the window.

King Doodle Bum stretched out his arms and yawned. “I don’t want to stop playing,” he said with a little frown.

Show the pillow as a soft, squishy cloud on the bed. In the background, a gentle breeze ruffles the curtains.

One plush pillow looked extra soft, like a gentle cloud waiting for a sleepy head.

Show Blinky Sparx fitting a puzzle piece calmly. In the background, a glowing nightlight twinkles.

Blinky Sparx smiled and turned a puzzle piece. “Bedtime is easier when we do it step by step,” she said softly.

Show King Doodle Bum snuggling under the blanket with a small grin. In the background, plump pillows rest against the headboard.

King Doodle Bum wiggled his toes under the blanket. He giggled at the soft warmth.

Show a foil wrapper shining under soft lamplight. In the background, a small bowl of candies peeks from behind the lamp.

A shiny chocolate wrapper crinkled on a table, reminding everyone of sweet treats.

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