Ava, the Little Artist and the Hidden Picture


A story about Cleaning
for your Kindergartener.

Once upon a time, in a cozy home in the countryside, lived a smart baby girl named Ava. Ava loved to draw and paint, especially in her beautiful garden. She would spend hours creating colorful pictures of flowers, trees, and butterflies.

One sunny day, Ava drew an exquisite picture of a butterfly. She was so proud of her creation that she wanted to show it to her parents. But when she looked around, she realized she had left her art supplies all over the garden and couldn't remember where she had put her butterfly picture.

"Oh no!" Ava exclaimed. "I can't find my butterfly picture!" Her parents, hearing her distress, came over to help. "Ava," her mother said gently, "it seems like you might have an easier time finding your picture if your art supplies were in their proper places."

Ava looked at the mess she had made. She felt a little overwhelmed, but she knew her mother was right. "Okay," she said, taking a deep breath. "I'll clean up."

Ava started picking up her crayons, one by one. She found a red crayon under a rose bush, a blue one by the pond, and a yellow one in the birdhouse. As she cleaned, she started to feel a sense of satisfaction. Her garden was looking better already!

Next, she gathered her paintbrushes. They were scattered all over the garden, but Ava was determined. She found one in the tree, one by the swing, and one in her sandbox. With each item she picked up, she felt more and more proud of her clean garden.

Finally, it was time to pick up the papers. Ava was tired, but she knew she had to finish. She found papers under the picnic table, in the vegetable patch, and even in her dog's house! As she picked up the last piece of paper, she let out a sigh of relief. Her garden was clean!

But there was still one thing missing: her butterfly picture. Ava looked around the clean garden, feeling a little disappointed. Just then, her dog came running up to her, wagging his tail. In his mouth, he held a piece of paper. It was Ava's butterfly picture!