A Sweet Day in Dingadangle Town


A story about Respect
for your Preschooler.

In Dingadangle Town, everything goes boing and jiggle! King Doodle Bum woke up with a big chocolate dream.

Buzzywhirl tinkered with a new chocolate spoon. He buzzed with ideas for a festival.

The giant chocolate fountain shimmered and gushed. It smelled sweet and made soft glug-glug sounds.

King Doodle Bum announced, 'We will have a big chocolate party! Bring yummy treats!'

Buzzywhirl lined up tables for the fun. He placed cups and plates with a careful buzz.

The whirling candy machine spun in circles. Pops and lollipops shot out like fireworks!

King Doodle Bum tried to catch flying candy. He giggled, 'Oops! Too much bounce!'

Buzzywhirl calmed the crowd. He whispered, 'It's nice to wait our turn, so we can all share!'