A Spell of Welcome


A story about Getting a New Sister
for your 1st Grader.

In Cloudy Spell School, Willow Charms smiled as she wandered past flying paintings. These pictures flapped their corners like wings. She loved this magical place.

Suddenly, a large poster fluttered off the wall. It whispered exciting news to Willow: she was getting a new sister! The poster giggled as it floated away.

Willow hopped from foot to foot. She felt tickles of joy in her chest. She imagined holding her sister’s tiny hand.

But a small worry grew in Willow’s mind. Would she still have time for her magic spells? She felt a flutter in her heart.

Blossom Sprout found Willow sitting by the singing fountain. “I hear you’re getting a new sister,” said Blossom. “How do you feel?”

Willow felt both happy and nervous. Blossom suggested making a “Spell of Welcome.” A friendly book on the shelf read the instructions aloud.

Willow gathered sparkly powder and rose petals. She whispered a chant: “Sister so new, we welcome you!” Her wand glowed bright.

Suddenly, the cauldron bubbled too high. “Oh dear!” cried Willow. Blossom hurried to stir the mixture. Slowly, the bubbles settled.